“Do you know anyone else exactly like you?
Do you know anyone who shares your exact combination of interests, experience, fears, hopes, disappointments, passions, friends, and who also orders your favorite coffee drink? The answer is no. Hotdogs and pencils are cranked out on an assembly line, NOT YOU. You're one of a kind. You were made by your Creator, to fit in your role for the Glory of God, the good of others, your good, and the good of the world now and in the generations to come."
-Gary Morland
At Audrey Taylor Photography we want to make your senior session all about YOU. Let's showcase your personality, interests, and all the wonderful ways God made you. We can't wait to watch you shine!
Package One
1.5 hour session
2-3 outfits of your choice
Two (or more depending on time) locations
60+ beautifully edited images with print release
Online gallery for viewing, sharing, & downloading
Package Two
3 different 30 minute sessions
1-2 outfits at each session
20+ images from each session
Organized online gallery for viewing, sharing, & downloading
The 3 sessions are spaced out however you'd like throughout your senior year! This is a great way to capture the different seasons. Fall, Christmas, spring, sunflowers, cap and gown, etc! Locations can be tailored to you and what/where you love.

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11
A note of encouragement to you, seniors...
I know senior year can be hard. It’s the year that everyone and their dog asks you, “what are your plans?” and you’re supposed to have a well thought out and organized answer. I always cringed when someone asked me that question because I didn’t have a 5 year plan or a full ride scholarship.
But you know what? YOU DON’T HAVE TO HAVE YOUR LIFE FIGURED OUT YET. You don’t have to have your life figured out, ever! (Because when you do, I promise it’ll change.) If you’re feeling the pressure, rest in this: God's plan for your life is not about the school you. choose (or don't), the job you have, place you live, person you marry, or skills you possess; it's all about the person you become. You were made to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Made in His image, to be like Him. When you're faced with decisions (you will be, every day) don't ask yourself, "What do I want?" "Which choice makes sense?" No. If you truly want to know God's plan for your life, ask yourself this. "Which choice is going to make me more like Jesus?" Think about it, and choose that one. Choose it every time.